Our Purpose
We aspire to be a leading community sporting club; a club people can be proud of because of how we play the game, live our values, conduct business, and enrich the lives of all those who are part of our broader community.
Code of Conduct
The Code of Conduct is to protect and strengthen the reputation of the Katunga Football Netball Club, by establishing a standard of performance, behaviour and professionalism for its Committee, Coaches, Players & Members. The Code of Conduct is the expected behaviour of all individuals involved at KFNC and its principles are expected to be always adhered to.
When Representing the Club
When representing the KFNC members are expected to behave in a manner that upholds the reputation of the club. Representing the KFNC includes the following situations:
When dressed in club attire or in anything that links you to the club, includes on field and off field apparel
When you are inside the club premises.
As any part of any representative team player, coach or official
When you are supporting the club at any home and away or finals fixture
When attending any function on behalf of the club
When conducting any fundraising activities on behalf of the club
When you are at any event organised by the Club or the Picola District Football Netball league (PDFNL)
​They will:
Play by the rules (policies) of the Club and the laws of the game.
Attend all training sessions, matches and functions advised by the Club. If unable to attend, the relevant personnel are to be notified as early as possible.
Respecting the rights, dignity and worth of others. Treat all players as you would like to be treated.
Be responsible for your own actions. Always ensure that your behaviour is fair.
Be a responsible team member.
Cooperate with coaches, team managers, trainers and committee at all times.
Never argue with an official of the Club, opposing Club or League. Disagreements are to be directed to the club executive as soon as possible.
Be respectful:
towards match officials, opposition players and volunteers at all times
of our communities
the equipment and facilities of our Club and that of opposing Clubs
when taking photographs or recordings in any of the changerooms, especially when there are junior players/people involved (some members of the club that do not want their photo or a video of them taken).
Do not behave in a manner that would bring the club into disrepute or breach of any regulatory or legislative requirements - abusive language, racial or religious vilification, harassment, bullying or discrimination will not be tolerated.
Wear appropriate clothing when inside the Clubrooms.
Not make any detrimental statements regarding the Club in any forum (including public, social medial, any other media), post offensive, disrespectful and degrading comments and/or images on social media.
Undertake your rostered duties as required.
2024 Srategic Plan
The KFNC Committee alongside members of our club, have been working on setting the current and future direction for the club. This will ensure that we can support the sustainability of the club and identify the key focus areas for improvement or enhancement.
A Strategic Plan has been developed which highlight set out actions aligned to key areas including:
Club Governance
Planning and Infrastructure
Financial Sustainability
Underpinning our Strategic Plan and our club, are our new Values. Our Values set out the expected behaviours and conduct for all involved with the KFNC. Our Values are:
Over the coming months, our Values will be integrated into all that we do. Please make yourselves familiar with our new Values and Strategic Plan. Click here to download.
If you have any questions, you are welcome to reach out to any member of the Committee.

Good Sports Accredited Club
The Katunga Football Netball Club is proud to be associated with both the Goods Sports Senior and Goods Sports Junior Programs.
As part of this program we have a number of Policies in place to promote a healthy club and a strong community.
These policies provide the basis for a balanced and responsible approach to the use of alcohol, healthy food choices and smoke free areas to ensure that the club:
Meets its legal and contractual obligations
Meets its duty of care in relation to the health and safety of our members and others who attend our club and events.
Upholds the reputation of the club, sponsors, partners and Goods Sports.
Understands the risks associated with alcohol misuse and our role in minimising this risk.
Alcohol Management
As per the policy, alcohol will not be available for sale or allowed to be consumed during junior competition, including at additional and special events.
Food & Nutrition
As per the policy, during breaks in junior competition, juniors will only be permitted to have water, fruit and vegetables.
Healthy food and drink options will be more prominently displayed than unhealthy options in the canteen.
Smoke Free
As per the policy, the club will ensure that it is compliant with the relevant tobacco-related legislation. This includes promotion of smokefree areas during any junior competition.
Safe Transport
As per the policy, the club will encourage members and visitors to make alternate safe transport arrangements if they are considered to be intoxicated or at risk of exceeding .05 blood alcohol concentration (e.g. free call to a taxi/friend/family).
Tackling Illegal Drugs
The club does not allow the use, distribution or selling of illegal drugs by any club member or any visitors within our club’s jurisdiction. This policy reflects our club’s commitment to protecting the health, safety and wellbeing of all persons associated with the club and all persons in attendance at club activities.
PDFNL Child Protection
To comply with the Victorian Child Safety Standards which relate to child protection the club has adopted the PDFNL Child Safety Policy and appointed the following Child Safety Officers:
Ash Howden - 0425 818 673
Grace Hicks - 0437 927 645
Netball Australia Pregnancy Policy
Netball Australia is committed to providing a safe and enjoyable environment for all its members, including pregnant participants. Netball Australia encourages all pregnant participants to discuss their decision to continue participating in netball during their pregnancy with their medical practitioner.
KFNC Constitution
Rules of the Association (Katunga Football netball Club Inc.) for an incorporated association.
KFNC Child Safe Declaration
Child safety and wellbeing is a key priority of the Katunga Football Netball Club and we hereby declare our commitment to creating an environment that is safe and welcoming for all children and young people to participate in Football and Netball.