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Katunga Football Netball Club
Roster Information

As a club we are run solely by volunteers. It takes a lot of work to ensure the successful running of all football and netball teams. It is for this reason all families will be rostered on to various duties throughout the season and we expect that everyone takes their turn when asked to do something. Each week we need 3 central football umpires, 6 boundary umpires, 6 water boys/girls, 4 goal umpires, 8 netball umpires, 12 timekeepers, 12 scorers, 6 trainers, and on home games we also need 4 gate people, 18 canteen staff, 6 bar staff, 3 bbq staff, 6 set up / clean up not to mention all the coaches, assistants and team managers.  Many of these duties are performed by the same people week in and week out so it really is vital that you play your part.


If you are unable to complete your rostered duty it is your responsibility to find a replacement or pay someone to take your place.


Volunteering is a great way to meet new people and provides a lot of satisfaction in knowing you are helping out.  If you would like to help out on a more regular basis, we'd love that too.  All assistance is greatly appreciated.


Please complete the survey below to register your preference on which rostered duty you'd prefer and any preferable dates you’d like or alternatively aren’t available.  Every effort will be made to accommodate your requests but there may be times where we may need to look at alternatives.

Our Purpose

We aspire to be a leading community sporting club; a club people can be proud of because of how we play the game, live our values, conduct business, and enrich the lives of all those who are part of our broader community.

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