Why Sponsor
Katunga FNC
We pride ourselves on being an inclusive family club comprising of five football and eight netball teams as well as providing Auskick and NetSetGo programs.
All sponsors of the Katunga Football Netball Club are organisations and individuals that partner with the Club to help continue the community spirit and growth of country football and netball clubs in our area through a monetary donation.
If you are interested in joining our team of wonderful sponsors, please contact Fred Russo on 0419 007 011 to discuss your needs or for further information.
Sponsor with monetary donation of $1,700+GST
(Minimum of three years required)
We currently have an opening for any potential sponsors for the North Eastern scoreboard at Katunga Football grounds complex.
Your donation of $1,700 purchases a sign located in prominent position on the roof of the scoreboard building.
The sponsorship runs for one football season.
Sponsor with monetary donation of $1,200+GST
Business sign will be displayed in the most prominent position at the football and netball grounds.
Business sign will be displayed on a rolling digital display within the clubrooms.
Business sign will be published as a sponsor on our club website.
Business will be published as a sponsor on our Team App.
4 membership tickets, including 2 complimentary drinks of beer or wine per ticket on Home Game days for your enjoyment.
4 tickets to our Annual Sponsor’s Day.
1 player award read out on game day and listed in the Numurkah Leader each week.
1 ticket in the Members “Home Game” Draw.
Sponsor with monetary donation of $900+GST
Business sign will be displayed on the football boundary and netball grounds.
Business sign will be displayed on a rolling digital display within the clubrooms.
Business sign will be published as a sponsor on our club website.
Business will be published as a sponsor on our Team App.
3 membership tickets, including 2 complimentary drinks of beer or wine per ticket on Home Game days for your enjoyment.
3 tickets to our Annual Sponsor’s Day.
1 player award read out on game day and listed in the Numurkah Leader each week.
1 ticket in the Members “Home Game” Draw.
Sponsor with monetary donation of $700+GST
Business sign will be displayed on the football boundary and netball grounds.
Business sign will be displayed on a rolling digital display within the clubrooms.
Business sign will be published as a sponsor on our club website.
Business will be published as a sponsor on our Team App.
2 membership tickets, including 2 complimentary drinks of beer or wine per ticket on Home Game days for your enjoyment.
2 tickets to our Annual Sponsor’s Day.
1 ticket in the Members “Home Game” Draw.
Sponsor with monetary donation of $500+GST
Business sign will be displayed on the football and netball grounds
Business sign will be displayed on a rolling digital display within the clubrooms
Business sign will be published as a sponsor on our club website
Business will be published as a sponsor on our Team App
2 membership tickets, including free entry to all Home Game days
2 tickets to our Annual Sponsor’s Day
1 ticket in the Members “Home Game” Draw.
Sponsor via agistment of Cattle
Name will be displayed on a rolling digital display within the clubrooms.
Name will be published as a sponsor on our club website.
Name will be published as a sponsor on our Team App.
2 membership tickets, including 2 complimentary drinks of beer or wine per ticket on Home Game days for your enjoyment.
2 tickets to our Annual Sponsor’s Day.
1 ticket in the Members “Home Game” Draw.